Acidity Causes For Every Diseases If You Cure From Acidity Than You Can Live Diseases Free Life.In Temporary Solution You Use Allopathy Medicine Rantac,topcid,digene but it is temporary and Full of side effects . So Our Team Recognize to Use Ayurvedic Home Medicine .The Solution are Given Below - 1-Holy Basil (Tulsi) If you take 5-6 tulsi leaf daily before meal then the result show in 2-3 weeks 2-Water Drink 4-5 liter water in a day 3-Ginger In Ayurvedic ginger is called king for acid . if you take 1 teaspoon ginger liquid a day you will cure from acidity in 20 days. 4-Ginger and Lemon in morning if you take ginger and lemon mixing water it will help for acidity 5-Warm Water Warm is germ free water it will always help for body. but if you take 1 glass of warm water before meal in morning it is good for cure acidity. 6- Aegle Marmelos Take Daily 3-4 Aegle marmelos leaf before meal it is ve...
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